Fale Conosco


Aliexpress individual


in this box I have a suspiciously cheap RTX 
3060 that I bought off of AliExpress and as   is the case with everything off of AliExpress 
lately it took a weirdly long time to ship I   think it took over a month to come even though 
I paid extra for FedEx shipping now this RTX   3060 cost the equivalent of 240 US Dollars and 
apparently it’s new it says so in the title   of the listing the price isn’t the only dodgy 
thing about the listing I’m looking to do six   gigs of video memory but it’s almost a hundred 
and forty dollars less than the cheapest RTX   3060 you can buy in the US at the moment so I’m 
expecting at least Defcon 3 level shenanigans thank you oh this FedEx packaging I think is paper that’s 
a first usually it’s covered in enough plastic to   strangle at least three harbor seals so that’s 
cool although they do lose some of the points   for blatantly lying on the bag it did not come 
in an extremely urgent manner not even almost oh never mind there’s all the plastic 
although it is good to see that box tape   man still has a job you can see they 
did an immaculately even job very nice   yeah this just keeps looking more 
and more like something they had   to smuggle inside the FedEx llama 
maybe that’s why it took so long   look okay that is a graphics card oh oh would 
you look at that it actually seems to have a   mobile RTX 3060 die in it that is very very 
interesting uh wait does it say anything about   that on the listing let me quickly have a look 
it in fact does not specify it’s a mobile 360.   and I feel like them stapling a laptop die to 
a desktop PCB is an important thing to clarify   but that explains the six gigs of video memory 
and it’s potentially priced appropriately that’s   if and how this cobbled together Abomination works 
either way it is a fascinating specimen let’s have   a closer look physically at the card so we have 
the plastic shroud with two fans and a reasonable   looking heatsink you know we’ve got two fat heat 
pipes over there the actual thin array isn’t just   like a block of aluminum that they cut grooves 
into we’ve also got some supplemental power in   terms of rear i o we have two HDMI and two 
display ports which means it’s probably not   a GTS 450. around the back the crudely human 
plastic back plate does nicely emphasize the   mongrel pedigree of this card wow I just felt 
like I dropped a pretentious wine description   I don’t know where that came from anyway let’s 
drop this mod in the system and see if it works test system wise I’m using the PC that I built in   this ridiculously overpriced pink Asus 
anime case from the previous video down   yes it works very good we’ve got a signal 
out and everything but my excitement was   short-lived because I just couldn’t get drivers 
installed on the thing oh this driver could   not find compatible Graphics Hardware I tried 
various combinations of ddu wiping restarting   and different driver versions but the drivers 
refused to associate with the riffraff even   gpu-z which normally is like a scam Graphics 
called sniffer dog seemed pretty confused by   this graphics card okay so this is getting a bit 
concerning I can’t actually install drivers on it   so let me drop this AliExpress RTX 3060 in a 
different system and see if that changes anything oh this is a completely different system 
and I’m still getting the same error message   really irritating it it means it has to be 
the graphics card so I guess I’m just gonna   take it apart and have a closer look at it 
oh crap none of my screwdrivers reach the   screws down there actually let me try my wish 
build Ram screwdrivers that actually works I   am now very glad that I kept those little 
screwdrivers I guess before we destroy the   sticker we should probably scan the QR code how 
is this helpful at all I don’t understand what I don’t even have to wipe the thermal 
paste down I can see that that’s a   ga 106 die although let’s not be too 
hasty let’s quickly mix that is a GN 20   E3 A1 dial what the hell is that wait Google 
just confirmed it is a laptop RTX 3060. why won’t   drivers install on it that’s really weird at this 
point on a whim I reached out to the AliExpress   seller telling them that I couldn’t install 
drivers on their graphics card to which they   responded this driver with a link to a Google Docs 
drive that had some very official looking drivers   in them okay this all feels a little bit like I’m 
about to get mauled by a tiger but that’s fine now   in the text file it’s telling me to install the 
one driver first and then have it not do anything   and then install the second driver and then it 
should work so in the spirit of those scientists   that licked plutonium to see what would happen 
let’s give this a try and see what happens this   just makes my Spidey Sense tingle a little bit 
I don’t know man again a very comforting warning okay that did nothing which means 
it’s time for driver number two hey it’s worked we now have drivers and probably 
several Trojan on this system now it’s not the   newest driver which does make me want to see 
if we can now install real drivers on it and   let me give that a try GeForce experience 
works that’s a good Next Step no I still   can’t install official drivers on here I I don’t 
know about you but I feel like having to rely on   Ghetto rigged AliExpress virus drivers is 
a bit of a deal breaker but maybe that’s   just me anyway let’s finally do some gaming on 
this chlamydia stricken little graphics card   okay so after a bit of a traumatic start we 
finally launched GTA 5 on this mobile RTX   3060 and with 1080p High we are very much in 
heavy stutter territory in terms of frame rate   so I’m actually going to put the graphics a bit 
higher okay there we go that’s better so now we’re   running a 1080p high and we are no longer quite 
in that zone where stutters happen and as I say   that it starts stuttering look at that power 
drone the graphics card is just using about   80 watts of power and we’re still getting many 
frames per second that’s some crazy efficiency   right there you can see the core frequency is 
also pretty high often hitting 1900 megahertz   that is very impressive for such a troubled little 
graphics card with that let’s try some more games now again with Battlefield 5 we’re getting great 
performance with very low power drill this is a   1080p High settings and yeah we are well over 120 
frames per second we don’t have particularly high   temperatures on the GPU again because it’s not 
drawing that much power like I don’t I don’t think   I’ve seen it go over 80 Watts Watts actually it 
just makes it such a shame that the graphics card   is so dodgy because it’s really good now before 
I compare it to a full fat desktop RTX 3060 let’s   just try a couple more games someone commented 
asking for fortnite recently so there you go   cyberpunk with 1080p High settings is also 
running very well we’re getting over 60   frames per second and it’s nice and smooth good 
gaming experience and with that deep Insight I   think it’s finally time to compare it to a 
desktop RTX 3060 to see just how efficient   it really is and how many frames per second 
we lose for that reduction in power draw okay with Battlefield 5 it’s definitely running a 
bit better before we were jumping between 150 and   140 frames per second whoa whereas now it’s like 
150 to 170 so a little bit better performance but   look at that power draw up from a peak of about 80 
Watts that is almost double for not that much more   performance that’s some crazy efficiency on that 
mobile RTX 3060. yeah the same goes for cyberpunk   there is a bit more performance but at the cost 
of almost double the power draw but then there’s   the other difference of the desktop card having 12 
gigs of video memory as opposed to 6 gigs and with   a game like cyberpunk you can see it just creeps 
over that six gigs of memory utilization at 1080P   and it would use more at higher resolutions so the 
full RTX 3060 is probably a bit more future proof   and a lot less dodgy with that let’s directly 
compare them with some more precise benchmarks   foreign interesting results there was some definite 
anomalies like shadow of the Tomb Raider and doom   Eternal but when I wanted to retest the 
AliExpress card Windows just refused to   install the drivers again it kept giving 
me like Trojan warnings and stuff and with   that what did we learn in today’s video well a 
playgrad could exhibit world-class efficiency   and be very competitively priced but it being 
a playground is still kind of the main thing   which brings me to the end of the video if you 
want to check out that pink Asus anime case   video a suggestion will pop up in a second and 
until the next video thank you for watching bye   foreign

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