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MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z Review – Top Range RTX 2060

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MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z Review – Top Range RTX 2060

how’s it going everybody welcome to we do Tech now we all know about Nvidia’s and new r-tx are graphics cards which has new a real-time right tracing a bolt-in which makes our game to look awesome with beautiful lighting and more realistic reflections however a being that is a brand new technology it can get quite a bit expensive with the r-tx 2080 and the 2070 being out of the price range of form the majority of our gamers and don’t even let me get started with the RT x28 ETI because that thing is just way too crazy priced however there is a much more affordable option now for a gamers and that is the RT exit 20 is 60 so then for our first RTX 2060 card on this channel we are gonna take a look at the gaming z from msi there are top-of-the-range or takes 2060 we’re gonna look at how it performs how’s the cooling the i/o and all the other features so first up for pricing you will be able to pick up a V gaming a Z for around the 7600 Rand on Revoltech hearings of Africa or three hundred and ninety dollars a lot of that if you do purchase one now you will be able to get a free copy of anthem or battlefield 5 for no extra cost and but that won’t last forever now just before we get into how the new gaming Z performs with and without ray-tracing let’s get into the design and a bolder quality and starting off with the design of the card it does look very similar to the RT x 2070 gaming Z I reviewed a few months back with the dual fan design but although it is a bit smaller does have the same a black and silver color scheme with that steel textured like a pattern on on the back you do get that same aluminum silver a back plate with the MSI logo in a black also just like the 2070 gaming Z it does have some RGB although a bit a lace you do get the same MSI logo on the side which lights up and then around these sides of the fans you get a for all lighting zones there as for a measurements blaka mentioned before this Court is a bit smaller than the twenty a seventy measuring in at two hundred and forty seven millimeters in length one hundred and twenty nine millimeters in her width and then 52 millimeters high which does make it a three slaughter card just so you can’t sort of two cords directly underneath each other or also the cord weighs in at just around a 1.5 kilograms now taking a look at your back I owe you do get a three despite port virgin one point of force and then a one HDMI version 2.0 B so you don’t get the USB type-c anymore which you did get on the higher our Tech’s cords power wise you get a single eight pin connection that needs around a hundred and ninety watts so a 500 watt power supply will be recommended for this card now getting into cooling the gaming Z uses MSI’s a torch 3.0 fans are featuring there are zero Frazer technology where if the cord is below 60 degrees it will keep the fans from spinning which will keep it nice and quiet now as for a temperature wise while I was running fur mark I got a max of 68 degrees on 33% fan speed with my overclock applied so cooling and the noise was it shouldn’t really be a problem but out we’re getting into over a clocking I was able to add 45 makers to the core and 800 Omega to the memory for a stable overclock on my cord I have seen some reviewers while getting a more out of their cord but unfortunately there was the max for my silicon sample I didn’t really get the max for this one now getting into specs the gaming Z is running on the neutering architecture and the TU 106 a GPU chips this gives it 1920 CUDA cores 37 RT cores with a speed of 5 gigabytes per second clock speeds wise the founders Edition has a base clock of 1,300 sixty-five a megahertz and a boost up to one thousand six hundred and fifty megahertz but however the gaming Z takes that up to 1830 a megahertz then for a memory speech you do get now six gigs of GDD or six a memory which has a speeds of a 14 and gigabits per second so now of all that information let’s get into our benchmarks and I did taste the card against addy a new 16s 60 TI and also a 1066 gig and where i could i did add results in off my previous are TX 2070 benchmarks however keep in mind that that was done a while ago on older drivers and not on all of the games that i tested now so at 40 that’s gonna be bit limited [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today Anna from aura benchmarks we can see that the 2060 is around a 10 to 30% faster than the newer 1668 I now unfortunate have 1870 or 1870 I to show compared to the 2060 from a bunch of previous benchmarks we have a seen is that the 2060 is a more powerful and even in the 1070 TI and is a very close or even sometimes a beating at 1080 which is really a good also in all of the defense runs that was in 40 40 P it does show that the mid range course now are actually able to handle a 1440p quite well and I hope that it becomes more of a standard possibly in the next generation of graphics cards because 1080 P is kind of getting old now so in all of the standard benchmarks we do know that the score performs really well but now let’s get into what makes the score the more unique compared to the older ten series cards and that of course is at the ray tracing and Els s of features so currently there aren’t really that many games that support write tracing and even a fewer that support d LS is so benchmarked was it was a bit limited and the only game that I unfortunately own to do this benchmarks was at battlefield 5 which luckily is also the most popular game which does have authors of features so taking a look first at just ray tracing we can see that it does look really nice with all of the reflections on the guns with that fire with your after shadows and the lighting or looking a lot a lot better however it does take a massive hit in performance at around a 50% on ultra settings and of course you can our lower it if you wanted to but I don’t really know what’s at the point if you wanted to lower your settings if you saw once you have the base of looking graphics so on Ultra settings that is going to be where you will want to run it then again it in 2d LS which does stand for deep learning the super sampling if you didn’t know that it does increase your FPS in games like Battlefield 5 taking it from 55 FPS to 70 FPS in 1080p and 34 FPS to 43 fps and 1440p but unfortunately the result of BLS is it does make the game look a lot a more softer or more blurry if you look further away you can see some of the foliage not really standing out there’s not detail in at the image and it just doesn’t really make the game or look a lot better so for me Elias is with ray-tracing doesn’t really look to be the basic Yates also something to mention is that on battlefield 5 you can only run a DL SS with ray tracing turned on which is a bit unfortunate so you won’t be able to get a boost in performance per se with ray tracing on with the LS is that is virtually not going to work as of yet I do hope that in video we’ll be able to sort that out in the future or the game developers so that we can get that much extra FPS without needing to turn on right tracing with the LSS and just the standard or 2x courts I do believe that is going to help quite a lot so then in at the end this Court does perform really well we did see that the 2060s does come close to a 1080 but at the moment I do still feel that ray tracing is a bit of unnecessary feature where if you’re taking too big of a performance hit and DL is is a not doing that good of a job in the quality department yet as well but the biggest problem is that we unfortunately don’t have enough a games that support ray tracing or DLS is so for that we’ll have to wait for more games to actually come out with those features otherwise even if I did own this card I wouldn’t really run ray tracing the chord is strong enough a – or run games without that is a nice extra feature but I’d mostly used this card without race racing anyway because you do want more FPS in a games than really making it look more realistic especially in a multiplayer of fall space games so this cord from MSI the gaming Z does perform really well taking a step above at the standard or TX 2060 cords being that is one of the top of the range ones cooling was is really good so if you guys wanted to pick up in the gaming Z or 620 64 MSI for yourself I will leave links in the video description where you can get yours on rebel tech if you live here in South Africa or on Amazon if you do the overseas so big thanks to you guys for watching this video if you did enjoy it please like share comment comment like always and I will take all of you guys next time just guys [Music]

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