Fale Conosco


I tried 6 pirate game consoles from AliExpress

aliexpress Machine

I tried 6 pirate game consoles from AliExpress

there are literally hundreds of thousands of games for dozens of consoles but if you want to play any of them you will not only need the console they were made for you’ll need a controller it’s easy that can display it and the game itself and since retro game prices have soared so high that GPU prices are jealous emulation just makes sense no clutter no wear and tear on your valuable cartridges and disks and no worries about controller or video signal compatibility right well the fine folks selling machines like this on AliExpress have heard the call to action loud and clear and they put out more consoles than anybody knows what to do hyper base FC this is a football club it’s a joke for my European friends the point is are these things any good can they play ROMs in any way that’s close to how they performed on original Hardware or they just repurposed Android TV boxes is this a repurposed segue to our sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is a free to play online vehicle combat Sim Extravaganza with over 2 000 highly detailed Vehicles you can battle enemy forces in style click the link below to get a free Bonus Pack I can’t wait to get to the game station five but I have to because we’re starting with the me pad 80. this is the whole thing 89 inches 89 inches of what oh no way this is one of those things the whole console is the controller that is quite possibly the worst joystick I have ever felt ever it’s like an even bigger version of that awful slide around one from the DS family it grinds wow a single AAA battery and with only a little bit of gross residue inside the enclosure wait wait is this a flashlight um I’ll take unnecessary feature creep for a hundred s then we take our AV cable this is just mono audio and composite video and immediately we’re up just like that whoa that latency though wow oh okay this is the game for sure this is truly awful scaling like look at Mario’s Sprite as he’s moving around terrible and then if I want to play a different game reset oh wow that’s it well I just realized that shape is like a Sonic oh you’re right it’s Sonic the Hedgehog shape which makes no sense at all at the price of this thing I’m having a pretty hard time justifying it they go for anywhere in the neighborhood of 20 to 30 bucks one other knock against it is it has to be powered by battery but I also gotta say as a nine-year-old visiting Grandma’s house in the summer if he’d had one of these instead of nothing I would have been pretty into it just like I’m into this next unboxing the game station five does this actually include two controllers oh it totally does that looks very cheap we get only AV out at least we get power in this time no micro SD no HDMI which is really curious because it has spots in the mold for it reset and power buttons in the front and then two USB Twos for a joystick one and joystick two no clip mod wow that’s about as simple as it gets we’ve got some kind of soc on some kind of adapter board we’ve got some schmoo on here presumably because they don’t want you to know what chip this is yep there is no MicroSD and no HDMI to be enabled I have to assume that this is a generic chassis and there are a variety of different boards that might end up inside it hey look it includes a little stand that and the 200 total games are already making me feel pretty good about this one the hell is this manual oh it’s Russian right but for what this has a wireless controller this has some kind of gun it has game cartridges and we’re wiring into a VHF box for some reason what the hell are they talking about dibs flare one oh there’s no shoulder buttons but there are labels molded into it in case you forget which side is left and which side is right to prevent this is a very similar looking interface but based on that we can at least play Super Mario 3 um maybe it’s a little more powerful what the hell is fruit gift I have to know are we competing I have the same information that you do it’s combat if combat isn’t multiplayer I don’t know what will be wait what you have to you have to hit these guys while they’re down isn’t that like against the Geneva Convention okay milk and nuts what is happening right now oh what the oh I’m dead so here’s something fun uh this button goes to the side that’s the extent of my buttons thanks for playing time to move on to the arcade box comes in a little carrying case controllers that actually weigh something even if they still feel pretty knockoff Wireless though this is feeling like some more Primo bootleg right here oh though we did a video recently about these Android TV boxes which is presumably what this is and they can be just chock full of malware got a little 64 gigabyte micro SD card do not remove warranty void you’re not getting the warranty from arcade box you need two separate dongles for the two separate controllers brilliant let’s see how it goes this thing better impress me much as my fellow Canadian would put it dollars yeah it’s Android TV okay can confirm it’s running mulak which is Linux distro that’s specifically for emulation whoa okay 45 PlayStation games I doubt it oh these are reversed Tanner tells me though that you can fix that in software which actually makes perfect sense joysticks usable I mean wow yeah emulation speed seems fine I’m a little surprised I mean for the price I shouldn’t be surprised but for how light this thing is I am a little surprised one cool thing about this one is that absolutely whoops nothing would prevent you from just pulling out that micro SD card because realistically what you care about your warranty on this thing and putting different games on it however I would caution you against plugging this into your network the device is very rooted including root file explorer shell emulator Etc which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it gives you full control over the system it just means that they also had full control over the system at some point the instructions are well written though so as long as you’re happy with the game library and you don’t mind the Fairly cheap I mean controllers again for Grandma’s house consider being pretty usable Tanner insists that I try a couple of other games that he loaded onto a USB drive that’s kind of impressive actually you just throw games on a USB and it picks it up yeah I I find it it’s quite nice unfortunately you do still have to follow the folder structure uh what are you expecting to go wrong here so we’re gonna see some of the textures messing up we’re gonna see things kind of fading in and out I see some textures messing up but in terms of my expectations for a machine like this it’s pretty playable isn’t it it’s pretty playable yeah I think they loaded it up with all of the games that can reasonably run on this right that would explain why Crazy Taxi is the only Dreamcast game on this thing also Dreamcast games are really big and that’s only a 64 gig micro SD hey it’s time to do the hyper base FC Metro gaming console these controllers look Pro promising buttons are a little stiff but joysticks feel not bad and they’ve got all the buttons where I would expect them to be I don’t think that the style of the controllers could be any further from the box itself if they tried oh oh that’s pretty cool look there’s a SATA interface so you could just plonk a two and a half inch hard drive or SSD in there and have basically all the freaking storage you could want it gets better wait wait there’s a cartridge hold on there’s a drive in the cartridge there’s a hard drive in the car Wait so hold on does it does it have any it currently has zero games oh it’s just adorable and shaped like a nest cartridge oh I like it there’s not much we know about the hardware right out of the box it’s a quad core a53 processor we know it was set up with a Dell poweredge r740xd oh these are just like ROM hacks yeah I think that’s one of the biggest selling features if one of these machines is ROM hacks hey this is cool hey what’s up wait where’d you go behind you oh balls oh balls I think I’m gonna stall I think I stalled and I fly off into the sunset I’m guessing this one is 200 bucks I’m seeing it on AliExpress right now for 61.27 USD 61 2 clear these are not amazing controllers by any stretch of the imagination I wouldn’t pilot a submarine with them but for 65 bucks also including the console with all the pirating done for me well certainly a better value than that stupid overpriced one we looked at last time I think this is the winner so far actually I take back what I said about the quality of these controllers they feel pretty good in the hand but look at the size of this dead zone just like the original console no it’s straight or friggin turn beats of Rage what is Beats of Rage that is a Thomas wave I think beats of rage is an open source version of Streets of Rage yeah but it it’s a console oh well we’re gonna have to play badass babes good loading screen what is this press attack to break free okay Yep this is gonna need to go unplug replug how about the super console x-king did they rip off Intel’s skull branding yeah b-links done a couple different things that that has that skull branding on it yeah this one actually looks like kind of Premium it doesn’t include a controller though this one also uses MicroSD for storage though I guess technically nothing would prevent you from plugging in a USB external drive whether it’s a hard drive or a USB thumb drive some key stats for this one it uses an s922x processor which is significantly more powerful than the s905x that we saw before and it’s running Android nine but that’s only the nand this is still loading up emulek oh I guess yeah that’s true this thing’s got to be rooted as hell I like their interface though the art on this particular one is really nice the art is really nice really nice interface but one of the things we noticed is that there are a lot of games missing from their N64 Library compared to the other consoles that we’ve looked at so the only conclusion we can draw there is that it probably doesn’t handle them very well for some reason which is weird because it uses an s922x processor instead of an s905 which is quite a bit more powerful it could just be that it this is a very incomplete game Library they’ve got most of the ones I would care about though Ocarina of Time Star Fox 64. I mean is it flashing up the top of the screen always there uh no that seems to be a problem power of the hardware is reflected in the price this one goes for about 125 dollars without all the mulex stuff pre-loaded on it you can see it’s got b-link branding on it but we actually got ours from kin Hank and they’re the ones who are loading all the software onto it so you’re paying about 15 extra for them to configure it for you load it up with a bunch of games and then hopefully not put anything malicious on it the nand runs Android version 9 and the only other really interesting thing I think about the hardware here is that these USB ports are USB 3. so if you had a high speed USB storage device you might get slightly better performance out of it theoretically if you can get a good Android install going that will be a pretty good TV box too bringing us to our last the super console X pro comes in oh my goodness two boxes wow laser cut acrylic enclosure with a kin Hank logo lasered into the side of it okay 60 mil cooling fan a USB hub does it come with four controllers or controller but hey these are those same controllers again they are well we are shorted two dongles I think I noticed kin Hank has come up a lot are these guys a power player in the pirated Android game console space it seems like they’re just buying and then reselling Android boxes essentially but they’re they also carry a couple of x86 computers that is a friggin loud fan and it smells oh oh you what the heck why does it smell this looks pretty good for a virtual boy game though oopsie daisies this is completely unusable and it’s not even super powerful this is using an s905x so it’s not even the most powerful console we’ve seen today now my question for you is is this really what was in the picture on the site they have two different versions of this I bet they do this is a super console X Pro Plus the X pro looks almost like a super famicom and from what I can tell isn’t actively cooled which I never thought would have been a bad thing but here we are it smells it’s loud it’s soldered right into the DC jack and no way it is that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen ever you want to see something stupider it’s all together with these plastic screws there are a couple consoles we saw today that if you’re comfortable with the piracy and uh profiting off of others IP aspect of these products could recommend the one with the slot loading cartridge in the top that one’s pretty cool what’s that one called again hyperbase FC but the performance not that great yeah but the price I mean yeah the 150 one was definitely smoother but it cost twice as much and that one was 65 bucks it includes two controllers and a 500 gig hard drive again it comes back to Grandma’s house come to Grandma if you just want something for the kids to do that’s cheap and cheerful there’s far worse ways to spend your money this one on the other hand this one is stupid like this stupid segue to our sponsor War Thunder watching Vehicles blow up is one of the internet’s greatest pastimes War Thunder is a free to play PVP game that lets you scratch that itch since every one of War Thunder’s more than 2 000 vehicles are modeled after or inspired by real tanks planes and other war machines every battle feels realistic and immersive adding to that immersion is The Game’s vehicle damage system it’s Dynamic and detailed enough to show every piece that breaks off of your enemies machines as you mercilessly destroy them exploit weaknesses build up your own roster of vehicles and dominate the ground sea and sky show that Sky whose boss start playing free today on PC Mac Playstation or Xbox with crossplay to get a free bonus pack and some premium Vehicles click the link below if you guys enjoyed this video maybe check out the time we looked at a really premium one of these that cost a thousand dollars had like an actual GeForce GPU in it and everything kind of wild

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