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Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 on the RTX 2060 6GB

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Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 on the RTX 2060 6GB

hello guys Chris here welcome back to another video in this one my friends I’m gonna be testing a GeForce RTX 2066 gigabyte model in cyberpunk 2077 version 2.0 with the LSS 3.5 and yes it still supports that so this one is the palette version of the card we are running it with the latest NVIDIA drivers and I’m not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z and over on the left we’re pairing it with a ryzen 7 5800 X 3D and 32 gigabytes of ddr4 3600 megahertz cl14 Ram in dual Channel let’s get into it shall We Alright everyone let’s go over the settings first I’m starting at the 1080p resolution we’re also going to test higher resolutions as usual and I am using the rate racing overdrive settings first without the LSS and without these settings right here because I don’t really like the look of them oh boy oh all right he’s basically at this point with path racing obviously vram is maxed out as well the six gigs aren’t really enough for this but hopefully it will get smoother with dlss it looks pretty noisy as well the reflections look okay you know but yeah you can see it on the back of the car for example there is a ton of noise without the Reconstruction thingy and well we should definitely stop it right there five freaking FPS okay so let’s enable this on quality now I’m gonna use 40 sharpness here and the array reconstruction is turned on still it’s kind of looking like an oil painting here at 1080p resolution with the 26 that’s pretty weird you know I I don’t really oh boy I don’t remember seeing it look this bad with the 3060 TI which is very interesting I don’t know maybe I just got used to the higher resolutions of yesterday’s video playing at 4K with this is really really pretty so yeah going back to 1080p it doesn’t look anything special but anyway it definitely looks better than without Ray reconstruction enabled in the LSS as well let’s kill Bob goodbye I won’t let you leave Bob even with 13 FPS I will do what it takes to kill you this is still a completely unplayable mess my friends it again the vram is not enough and I guess the car’s performance itself the raw power is also not enough for this with bath racing unfortunately this is after all first generation rate racing cars that we’re using here with the weakest RTX GPU from the 20 Series so let’s try it out with like performance dlss ooh now it’s looking oh yeah it’s looking pretty bad and it’s still not enough to achieve even 30 frames per second it might still be applying I don’t know but I don’t think so well it’s getting closer to the Cinematic frame rates you know that’s 24 frames per second is the movies frame rate most of them actually like Avatar 2 I think runs at 40 frames per second as well as The Hobbit very nice you know that it’s it’s definitely smoother and pretty far oh god what the hell anyways guys if you want path racing on a 2060 it’s not gonna happen at least with the six gigabyte model you need an upgrades basically but I wouldn’t really play like this myself because you actually need something like a 470 TI or higher maybe a 4070 to take advantage of rate racing overdrive properly and make it look good at a decent resolution in the LSS setting so let’s try it out with rate racing Ultra instead I’m gonna disable the dlss over here also rate racing Ultra does not allow us to enable Ray reconstruction here unfortunately uh let me just disable these three settings right here and this is it now that everything is applied it’s still pretty but it’s not as noisy I guess as it was with path racing full-on path racing you know but the FPS are are terrible still dude dudes I actually forgot how bad the 2060 was at rate racing again first generation RT cores right here they’re not doing a good job you definitely need dlss if you plan on playing with rt on a 2060. and that’s why they made the LSS in the first place I guess so yeah here we have it yeah quality dlss at 1080p RT ultra settings is giving us 21 frames per second goodbye Bob wait a second he’s not dead he’s not dead we gotta get him better oh yeah let’s go I don’t like the fact that the pistol seems slower shooting this time around oh I got the bug again from the magazine invisible magazine now there we go I fixed it you just gotta switch weapons and then it’s gonna work fine okay now the problem is shut up shut up I know you’re friends with Bob I can’t I can’t do this I’m gonna get into my car once again start counting our FPS I’m sorry guys I forgot about it it’s not that it’s needed really because it’s it’s unplayable it’s well below 30 FPS the entire time even with dlss but hey it’s getting around the same FPS as dlss performance with rt overdrive so yeah it looks a heck of a lot better actually unfortunately the reflections now since we are utilizing dlss quality and Ray tracing at the same time they’re really low resolution internally and dlss can’t really bring them back without Ray reconstruction so they will look pretty bad in general oh my whoa there is a buggy person on top of our car what is happening here she’s creeping into it I’m not liking this oh boy oh boy it’s like a spirit or something what the hell are you doing this is so weird man this is still cyber bug after all my friends as you can clearly see oh my goodness okay let’s see performance dlss is it enough for us to achieve 30 there we go finally at 30 frames per second she’s still going with it okay there we go she’s not here anymore huh you know what’s interesting guys performance dlss at 1080p Ultra RT settings not with the overdrive settings it’s not really looking like an oil painting it looked worse with overdrive at 1080p again like at 1440p and 4K overdrive looks really good with dlss and Ray reconstruction at the same time but at 1080p it just looks like an oil painting again all right here we go there we go Bob I think I got him now this time with the car no he’s still alive did you see that he was still moving there oh this is ah this is Chris no no Bobs do not run away from me what the heck is this a countdown for the explosion or something I don’t know come on Bob there we go I got him nice nice explosion in every Chase is now now in this version I mean I guess if I was running this on like a seven inch monitor or six inch monitor like on a smartphone’s display for example it would look decent there is a slight bit of ghosting actually that I can notice here but again the resolution is super low at the moment yeah Ultra performance dlss at 1080p is in fact 3 C but it does not look like 360p in the slightest my friends it’s way better than that it’s actually kind of closer to maybe a little bit less than 720p I would say native you know let’s try Ray tracing medium guys without the LSS first it disables raytraced Reflections which is very important in Rage racing I would argue it’s the most important thing in rate racing and sets the ray traced lighting to medium instead of ultra but maybe the 2060 stands a chance now with rt medium no not really it already applied the settings by the way and it’s getting 15 FPS it’s not that much better than right racing Ultra holy crap okay I needed to restart the game because I was getting really low FPS even with the medium RT settings okay this is still applying now no those were accurate all right so I was saying 15 FPS and like no there there is no way we just disabled the the reflections you know but yep it gets 15 FPS vram is maxed out so again that is probably the you here let’s try it with quality dlss and all right now it is much better vram usage went down by a little bit there it’s not maxed out anymore and we’re playing with rt medium settings uh still not 30 plus FPS all of the time though it still dips into the 20s unfortunately probably because right there yes Can the police actually kill Bob are they trying what is happening here what are they shooting at what what is happening can you stop wrecking my car please I God damn it now they’re shooting at me are you kidding me are you actually serious I just I just entered my car and they were bumping into it and now it’s my fault you God damn bastards mate okay anyway it’s still not very playable like this unfortunately but with balanced dlss it might actually be above 30 all of the time still applying now it’s taking a really long time to apply so I’m just gonna reload the game guys ah there we go balance DLS says looking great here since again it’s dlss 3.5 the upscaler has been improved it actually does look really good at 1080p with balance that I I didn’t try balanced dlss yesterday with the 3060 TI because it was not needed you know the card is way faster than this one uh but yeah I gotta say it it looks pretty all right to me it’s a lot more shimmery of course but it certainly looks better than like if you drop the resolution to 900p for example the sacrifices are real though you gotta give away Reflections as well as a ton of resolution here still looks good but for example the Shadows are not as detailed for sure they are very noisy actually at these dlss settings oh and vram is actually maxed out or close to maxing out here interesting I saw like 6 000 megabytes of usage there for a second this game doesn’t stutter when it runs out of v-ray that’s that’s amazing as well because a lot of the new titles just can’t handle going out of vram just a little bit they will stutter like crazy it’s time for us to try it without rate racing the way you should play with the 2060 okay oh wait there’s still the ray tracing low preset which just enables Ray tracing Shadows nothing else okay um should we test it well I I guess we should just to make it more complete right all right this is it it’s native resolution as well I disabled dlss and it is actually gonna be playable oh my God wait a second it’s dropping like crazy over here I’m so sorry so sorry yeah but okay didn’t notice it was the police all right goodbye Bob once again I’m sending you to Starfield around the roundabout right here it’s getting like high 30s low 40s it’s all right but again it’s only Ray traced Shadows so I I think I would just disable it and get the extra frames per second that you get by not having great race Shadows here oh but I I wonder what’s that umbrella is made of it’s like the toughest material on Earth so with quality DLS says it actually cleans up the image quite nicely here it’s not as noisy as without the LSS enabled and it gets us way higher FPS although that was a massive slowdown right there I didn’t see it but I’m guessing it was the vram that got maxed out and swapped into the RAM and then we got that big slow down there still it didn’t feel like a stutter like in new games when they do that so that is amazing all right still very playable you know let’s try it on Ultra now without the LSS first without these as well here we go and everything is basically maxed out aside from this setting right here and of course that rate racing is now off I’m gonna restart as well just to reset that little swapping between vram and RAM stuff oh yes we’re getting close to 60 frames per second finally at Native resolution in the game looks really good right now right I would say that this actually looks better than the the game Sorry Sorry people I’m so sorry it actually looks better at least cleaner than the overdrive settings without Ray reconstruction or dlss you know uh yeah look at this 40 something frames per second 50s it’s still not enough for us to get 60 plus all of the time unfortunately but it’s a way smoother experience than anything that we’ve seen so far look at the reflections on top of the car they still don’t look bad you know it’s just that they’re not accurate and they actually disappear whenever you look at the car like this all right that’s it for the Benchmark run we’ve got 49 FPS average 39 one percent lows it’s stable it doesn’t stature or anything their vram is also enough here for ultra settings so that’s great but you know what is even better if you enable dlss on quality at 1080p the ultra settings look at our FPS right now and look at our Graphics as well it looks way better because it was really noisy even without any rate racing enabled I could see a lot of noise on top of the car and stuff especially when we started the ultra settings Benchmark run at Native resolution it’s pretty weird stuff you know oh what the hell I didn’t ruin my car’s headlights interesting Bob this is Bob right oh I don’t know which one is is Bob You Gotta Kill Them All Goodbye Bob what the hell was that okay and goodbye to you too sir and where’s the other Bob I I didn’t get him okay anyway guys this is a lot smoother that’s really noticeable the difference between the 71 FPS average that we’re getting here basically 60 plus all of the time right it’s not really dropping from 60 only into the low 60s at times yeah I think this is how I would play this game on the RTX 2066 gigabyte maybe give a little bit of an OC to the GPU just to make sure that you stay above 60 100 of the time because sometimes it still drops down into the lower 60s as you could see right there 61 and 62. but hey overall even if it does dip here and there into the 50s not gonna be a bad experience and the game looks fantastic like this there’s no need for race racing to make cyberpunk very very good looking let’s play on the high settings preset now I’m gonna disable FSR which enables Itself by default here and this is it on high settings the game surprise surprise still looks very good okay once again that noisy effect on top of the car is back and it’s pretty much everywhere else in the image as well I really don’t like the native resolution look of this game especially after seeing the LSS 3.5 cleaning up that image so well um yeah and I disabled film grain as well I don’t understand why it’s still so noisy anyway oh wait wait wait card is gonna explode goodbye wait a second we can actually grab him now with the update 2.0 right Bob stop stop can I grab him what how why can’t I grab Bob must be special or something can I grab you sir no I cannot still feel smooth guys but again it is actually dropping slightly sometimes from 60 frames per second at Native resolution and as I said I would not play this at Native resolution because the LSS cleans up the image so well well you will only achieve around 60 frames per second here with some drops here and there which is not too different from the game’s performance like a year or two ago on the RTX 2060 I believe it was performing something like this you know I remember seeing like 50s very often at 1080p High it might be like 5 to 10 frames per second faster actually oh boy we died okay okay but it’s time now for us to enable that a beautiful dlss 3.5 on quality that is so much smoother guys than a 60 average FPS experience with some drops here and there you know this is always going to stay above 60 no matter what even in super super intensive scenarios with like explosions and stuff in an area like this one and you are close to the explosion for example or even in the foresty areas of the game or Park areas with a lot of vegetation which is pretty intensive from what I’ve been told you won’t have a problem okay it won’t drop from 60. so if you want to make sure that you have that 60 plus FPS experience 100 of the time these are the settings for it and if you want to have a little bit more visual Fidelity out of your game and still be above 60 FPS most of the time well where are the cars by the way but yeah you get the idea I myself would probably choose the ultra settings with dlss because it didn’t really drop from 60. I would also probably lock it to 60 frames per second to save a little bit more power on that GPU you know and it will all be fine it will all be perfect and smooth and playable also somebody told me that the these effects right here I got a couple of stutters right now which is very weird that doesn’t usually happen maybe it’s loading something because we just skipped time ahead but yeah smoke effect with dlss enable look a bit pixelated you can definitely see that right maybe not on YouTube but if I zoom in you can see that it’s a little bit pixelated that’s pretty much the only downside to dlss right now at this point in time okay that and maybe some slight very very slight ghosting around cars around the lights of cars you know it’s just a very very little ghosting that happens nothing compared to like FSR in this game which uh wait okay come on if I set it to Quality here and you take a look at the back of our own car you can see some heavy ghosting right there and the faster you go the more noticeable that will be yeah look at the license plate as well under it it is very noticeable the ghosting here with FSR it’s also a lot more noisy than the LSS was and it gets around the same FPS so on an RTX GPU definitely do not choose to use FSR and the smoke effects are also even more pixelated now anyway let’s disable this and play at medium settings once again for those people who prefer the native resolution Jesus look at that kill the bastard there we go nice good job oh not from behind not from behind okay you don’t do that oh she’s still fine she’s still fine wait seriously why why are you doing this oh my God she has a ton of Health Jesus well 69 FPS average at least I didn’t hit her what what happened like the other car hit her and and then she she took revenge on me I guess I have a little bit of fault here as well because I am playing the game I wasn’t playing the game she wouldn’t be in this situation right so maybe maybe it all comes down to me and maybe I am the the reason why Bob exists as well no no actually no I I bet if you go into your game to this location Bob is gonna be standing there and you gotta kill him not dropping by a lot you know it’s only into the high 60s maybe mid 60s that’s really good okay I like the performance here on medium standings it still looks great but I mean it’s getting around the same FPS as ultra settings with the LSS quality and of course ultra settings does look a lot better so I would definitely choose the ultra settings with the LSS this is just for those who cannot live with the LSS enabled obviously but if you enable dlss quality at 1080p using medium settings whoa whoa whoa you start getting into other people’s cars by mistake then that’s not what happens you actually can achieve somewhat of a smooth High refresh ish experience it’s not really super high refresh but if you have a 120 hertz monitor or 144hz monitor buy Bob once again um you will definitely feel the difference between around 100 frames per second average and around 70 frames per second average so even if you’re playing on medium settings I again dlss is great anyway 96fps average and 69 one percent lows look at that if you swap 96 like the the position of the numbers it actually gives you 69 so this this is the perfect experience my friends it is absolutely magnificent and lastly let’s try it out on low settings which is still not the lowest settings inside of this game as you can see it selects a lot of things to medium here there it is it’s getting less FPS than medium settings with the LSS quality enabled it’s actually getting around like what high with DLS says I think so and of course this is now low so it looks way worse let’s quickly do this on Locus again you have the option to play at much higher settings with better visuals and performance so there’s no point in playing like this can we just all agree that low settings look insanely good still in cyberpunk 2077 I would argue that this game on low despite its shadow popping issues and actual texture popping and stuff like that at low settings I I think it still looks better than like Star fields on Ultra it’s good looking let’s enable quality dlss if you are interested in a high refresh rate experience this is the closest you’ll get to it I guess without ruining the graphics and set it to like very low or the lowest settings possible manually you know yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah surprise I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine yeah it’s getting a hundred plus frames per second so far it’s got like 90s right there near Bob of course Bobby is the reason why the FPS dropped that much so that’s why we always go there is the most intensive area in my Benchmark run because of that bastard Bob you’re sitting on air Bob that’s that’s not how chairs work your chair has been destroyed you cannot do that you cannot do that dude Bob please okay he’s dead now and he’s Jesus okay anyway 111 FPS averages what you get 74 one percent lows with a little bit of a cleaner image image I guess at low settings it’s still a little bit noisy here even with the LSS definitely noisier than the other presets but still it’s great it’s good looking and yeah I guess we should try higher resolutions now at low settings because none other preset will be decent okay here we have it 1440p resolution using the low settings with no upscaling which has something set to medium of course and it’s actually not that bad I thought it was going to be worse for some reason I guess again I have been used to 2023 titles and the 2060 not doing so great at 1440p and I mean this is still the low settings preset and it’s getting less than 60 FPS but I was just expecting worse because of the terrible and optimization that we’ve been seeing this year let’s see it over here which also drops our FPS by A Lot 56 right there I mean it doesn’t even get into the 40s so I think 50 plus FPS all of the time is what we get here with the 2060 at 1440p low settings that’s pretty decent all right it seems like we can probably play it like even high settings with some balanced dlss and still make the game look and play very well the LSS quality is now enabled and it puts us back into the 80s at times oh my gosh did you see that I think he rubber banded or something or he turned into Mr elastic yep look at that we got rid of the noise with dlss now and it’s getting 80 frames per second on average it will never drop from 60 at these settings that’s the power of the LSS guys when this GPU came out a lot of people didn’t really think of the LSS Like A major advantage because back in 2018 when the 20 series came out um it it wasn’t really as widely at opted but these days damn does it make a difference alright since it performed so well let’s try it with medium settings no FSR no motion blur here we go so it sets most things to medium and the single setting to high and here at Native resolution we dropped by about like 10 to 15 frames per second I would say so now we’re in the low 40s it’s probably gonna dip into the 30s and it doesn’t feel as smooth as before at all so sorry so that was just a little scratch man come on no need to shoot me okay here we go intensive Street incoming once again 43 44 not a problem all right it’s very smooth indeed my friends alright so enabling quality dlss damn oh we’re in the 60s again guys oh yes this is great let’s start counting the frames now wow and look at that vram utilization as well at medium settings and 1440p resolution it’s very low just over four gigabytes of usage there and it looks great still you know of course we’re not really licking walls and stuff what why are you swearing in my videos Bob the cyberbug is back my friends the Cyber bug is back how are you going why are you pushing me okay okay well what if I shoot them he failed over here 68 67 66 not bad 65 right there I guess that’s the most it will drop to in the street there’s no need to use like ballast dlss but if you want to it looks almost the same as as a dlss quality see that it’s in the 70s here in this roundabout we gained about 10 frames per second compared to dlss Quality and it looks nearly the same it’s very identical guys let’s sit on high right now without the Fidelity FX super resolution please thank you very much and without this enabled as well now this is where it starts becoming pretty intensive for the 2060 we’re already getting low 40s here it’s starting to drop into the 30s we’re probably gonna see like low 30s in worst case scenarios here which is not great Bob what the hell no I didn’t crash into the umbrella nice feeling really choppy compared to everything that we’ve seen so far so it is definitely not worth utilizing High settings natively at 1440p I’m just gonna go ahead and enable quality dlss right away which puts us into the 60s on average with some drops as you can see 57 right there but hey if you’re aiming for that 60 average experience this is a great option it will look really good very detailed very sharp and crispy as I like it um and it’s still gonna be really smooth as well I’m very impressed let’s see balanced can balance put us above 60 frames per second all of the time look at this 68 average so far around the roundabout it’s getting 60 plus such a massive difference dude with really good and crispy Graphics still you know we went from 30 ish frames per second back there to 60 plus all of the time still retaining the high settings preset guys 69 average once again man it seems like every time we get 69 average here in this game it means that it won’t drop from 60 or it will only drop into the low 60s which is very impressive once again let’s turn it down to low settings once again this is it and I am gonna go ahead and try it at 4K resolution okay so it’s native resolution low settings it is not going to be playable we’re in the 20s and uh well 30s at times but it’s rough guys it’s rough I’m still gonna kill Bob like this though goodbye Bob there we go oh yes 26 right there not good not good it doesn’t stutter but uh yeah it’s very very bad let’s try it with quality dlss at 4K low it gives us like 12 to 15 more FPS I guess and it puts us back into the 40s which is pretty nice especially compared to 20s obviously this makes the game playable and it’s still very pretty once again like low settings in this game still looks pretty enough we got the police car once again oh that’s sick of the lighting even on low settings this looks insane over here dude what the hell it’s a little bit flatter of a look yes it lacks some of the Shadows I mean occlusions and so on the lighting as well is worse pretty much everything is worse than before but it still looks great and it performs good as well I’m just gonna enable balanced right now this see how much of a boost we can have here now we’re in the 50s low 50s though we got to get to Bob’s roundabout once again I can see a little bit more ghosting right now at balanced dlss in 4k around the lights of the cars oh boy sir thanks for bringing me another car Bobby’s right here goodbye he’s dead I know he’s not dead of course his chair still saves him every single time and let’s see going around here getting 40s High 40s mid 40s at times and low 50s is what you get lastly let’s try performance dlss at 4K which still looks pretty impressive you can tell that it might be slightly over sharpened so turning down the sharpening filter will probably oh my God make it a little bit better you know with softer of a look of it again then it could become a little bit soft too soft so it might not be worth doing that but we’re getting 60s guys we are getting 60. it’s actually really smooth noticeably smoother than the 50 FPS average that we got before with balanced dlss so I think it’s actually worth enabling the LSS performance here even on my 42 inch monitor and even at low settings with the RTX 2060 if you are playing at 4K resolution I I doubt a lot of people are playing at 4K resolution with this cars but hey it’s good to know that if you really want to play like this you can actually achieve a 60 FPS average no big one that big one I don’t want one before that was very easy to kill though all right and we died last minute my friends thank you very much for watching this video hope you guys enjoyed it I can actually try it like Ultra performance the OSS as well this actually looks really good what the hell of course the reflections now on top of the car are very low quality and I would definitely not do this but what I would never have guessed that this is ultra performance dlss at 4 I would never have guessed that this is seven freaking 20 b okay that’s insane thanks for watching catch you in the next one very soon as always bye

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