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AliExpress Crazy GPU Deals – 4060 Ti for $400! Plus I Test the RX580 and 5700XT

Aliexpress individual

AliExpress Crazy GPU Deals – 4060 Ti for $400! Plus I Test the RX580 and 5700XT

people in the west we got a problem we rely on Amazon way too much and you know I canceled my Amazon Prime a few years ago and then I’ve been using AliExpress a lot for my technology stuff and also just a lot of random stuff I I got this on AliExpress because I couldn’t find it when I was in Japan and I really wanted a copy of this box so I got that there those little cool lights that fake plant right there the lighting on this all that’s from AliExpress so that’s why when AliExpress said do you want to do a sponsor video I was like yes so they wanted me to highlight a few things let’s do that first and then I’m going to show you all these graphics cards we’re going to test these out show you how they work and then have a little bit of fun I also got some really inexpensive RX 580 right here there it is we’re going to test all those out talk about what games they’re best for and just talk about the best use case scenarios and show you that these deagles are real first off I want to tell you about their um their sale that’s going on right now so this is their singles day sale so from 1111 to 117 they’re having their biggest sale of the year it’s like ridiculously huge so that’s when you need to be on there look looking for stuff now this is a pretty huge deal because there’s a ton of stuff that’s already on sale plus if you use the coupon code all on AE will give you $25 off any order over $100 and we also have another coupon code AE us100 that’ll give you $100 off this GPU only so if you combine that with all on AE you’re going to get this GPU for only $375 it’s kind of ridiculous so again that’s from 1111 to 1117 all that information is in the top of the description and I’m going to put all the links to all the different products I mentioned in the description as well so be sure to shop their biggest sale of the year or else I’ll come to your house and put bees in your pants all right so I placed some orders for different things on AliExpress uh they told me I could pick up some graphics cards there’s all kinds of stuff on there but I wanted to specifically look at some graphics cards cuz that’s something that a lot of people uh really look at so I got these two and I also got a 5700 XT right here and I wanted to get a brand that’s not available in the West for a couple of these I got an MSI for the 4060 TI start off with the little one this is the rx580 and this one it came packaged nicely I mean it’s same as anything I would have gotten anywhere else like a nice shiny package with all the details stuff on the inside it’s kind of funny because this one had the uh the sturdiest Shroud and probably the best heat pipes out of all of them and it’s also the cheapest so the build quality on this is really really awesome it feels sturdy the back plate is extremely rigid it’s got some weight to it it’s going to do a good job at dissipating all that heat there it is yeah lights all right GPU is just hanging out in there let’s see what we got in the system I’m using Specky because it’s prettier than blar advisor you nerds all right it’s coming up manufacturer ATI inside adrenaline here it’s coming up as a 580 that’s what we got here on our display tab now what would you use this for well you can use it for almost anything I played a lot of Street Fighter 6 with this which is a brand new game on this really inex this this graphics card costs less than Street Fighter 6 and and it was playing beautifully well I did turn a lot of the settings down to low when you’re playing the fighting it still looks better than Street Fighter 5 in my opinion all the way around like it looks really really good um and you can also play a lot of modern games I played uh Bramble on this which is a really beautiful game good time of year to be playing it has that nice sort of wintry atmosphere sort of maybe even spooky atmosphere but it looked beautiful all the way through and it played beautifully on this card so you can play a lot of games Indie a lot of modern games on like low settings but at this price point it’s really really really hard to find anything better and if you want something that’s going to play your entire emulation Library this is a great way to go because of the price again and just how much performance you’re getting for that money all right next let’s step over and look at the Elsa and this is the 5700 XT this has got 8 GB of ddr6 this one is considerably faster how fast notice the fans are not spinning because it’s not doing anything so it’s completely silent otherwise it’s going to be nice and quiet because those those three big fans and this power supply is probably not powerful enough but we’ll just see what happens over here we’ve got our right there RX 5700 XT ATI manufacturer let’s see what adrenaline says and adrenaline over here hi everybody says the uh rx5700 XT so let’s test this out with some games I bet it can play a lot requires a little bit more power but this one’s powerful enough to play new games like Allen wake on Lower settings you won’t be able to run R tracing but you can totally play Allen wake at a good frame rate you’ll need to turn on the FSR but it works just fine you can also play games like Starfield brand new games and of course you can turn Street Fighter up really high and play Street Fighter 6 so this will handle all those games and then when it comes to Indie Games it can pretty much handle anything now remember this is going to be over 100 bucks you can use that coupon code and get this for a stupid price like it’s it’s so it’s ridiculous like this price is cheaper than a lot of the used ones are going for in America so yeah now they say 11-day delivery I got mine in eight so I want to mention that I got this one in 8 days they came at different times because they’re you know some of them are coming from different places but it’s interesting how they all come in and I’ll tell you that after I talk about the 4060 TI which is what we’re going to talk about next I got the big MSI 4060 TI and I say big because the graphics card itself the 4060 TI is pretty small but they have a huge full-size cooling unit on this with three fans now why would they do that and why there’s this huge cooling unit on there well it makes it really quiet you get this massive heat sink on there and the beauty of that is that it allows a lot of dissipation of the heat so they don’t have to run the fans very high at all to keep it at 60° and I have never heard this graphics card it’s really fast and I’ve never heard it it just plays the games was able to turn Boulders gate up to the highest settings possible no problem whatsoever and then when it comes to playing games like Allan Wake On 1080 and 1440p I did a whole video just talking about playing Allen wake with the 4060 TI and you should go and watch that but essentially you can use Ray tracing you can use a lot of these settings you can turn some things to medium but if you want to play at 1080p you can use a lot of those settings uh you know rate tracing medium high settings and have very playable frame rates so with the deal on this card bringing it down um and this is one of the overclocked you know premium 4060 ti so we’ve got three display port and one HDMI I do want to mention one thing because a lot of people are going to be a little bit like oh is that a thing now the Shroud on this is plastic and at first I was like well that’s an interesting choice I didn’t know exactly how I felt about it but now that I’ve installed it and used it I realized that the Shroud doesn’t really matter all that much metal plastic it doesn’t really do much when it comes to the performance but the plastic makes it a lot lighter so it’s not drooping as much in the system and that’s a pretty big bonus for me so I actually kind of like the lighter graphics card when I first picked it up I was like no way this is the graphics card it’s so light you know I got it in the mail and I was like what’s in this box it couldn’t be a graphics card it’s too light but it’s nice and lightweight despite the fact that it does have the big big heat sink but even the back plate which is mostly for Aesthetics is made out of plastic but when you have it in your system you you’re not going to be able to like look at it and tell you know like looking hey wait a minute that’s really the only deal so I don’t really mind the plastic and I think a lot you know more cards like this one also is plastic it keeps things a little bit lighter weight um and it still gives you the Aesthetics this one has more ventilation on the back so yeah and you know like some people say that the metal can help dissipation that’s not really a thing like the back plate doesn’t really do much for for heat or for cooling or whatever so I’m okay with the plastic I’m defending the plastic back blate anyway let’s talk about the other stuff that you can play with this of course you can play um pretty much any of the new games cyber Punk or whatever with the RTX turned up with the 4060 TI um I wouldn’t recommend this card for like 4K RT ex way too many effects but you know I think that that’s kind of getting ridiculous I think most of the games these days play just fine on this card so those are the three things that I’ve picked up right now on AliExpress I just ordered some more stuff today I got this today I picked up one of these because that price yes this is a really fast CPU for that price and I need a little upgrade cuz I’m running a smaller Apu but it’s time to upgrade to this so I got one of these today so I’m just see see how long this takes to come in maybe I should make a video on that when it comes in too let me give you another little story so um I’ve also used AliExpress to get some anime figurines like this one from gance here and this is something that’s interesting because I got this from a third party seller on AliExpress and it came in and I was supposed to get the one with the samurai sword but I got the one with the big gun thing and I went online and messaged and instantly they just said they wrote me a nice letter and they were like oh we’re sorry we sent you the wrong unit they we verified that yep we sent you the one with the gun instead of the one with the samurai sword or the one with the katana so they just refunded me and said if you want to buy it again go ahead and buy it again so ordered it again and we’ll see when that comes in with the with the sword this time but yeah you can you can go on there and find almost anything it’s kind of ridiculous in fact I have a thing for these little LED strips I also got this the last AliExpress sale for like a dollar and something got that I got the Chopsticks that I’ve been using lately on one of their sales so yeah it’s like sometimes I don’t understand how it’s done like how is it possible that they can do stuff for like a few dollars and give you free shipping I don’t understand it now one thing I found this interesting is a lot of this stuff say that it’s coming from a warehouse in like Kentucky or something earlinger Kentucky where a lot of the stuff comes in and out so I think what’s going on is a big huge package of stuff is being delivered there and then they take that and ship it to the individual people which helps a lot when it comes to shipping costs but also shipping time everything’s just done quicker if I can plug this thing in that’s pretty much the whole video but just out of you know for fun here let’s just randomly see what we can find here if not been this is a new browser so I’ve not been looking at anything but yeah let’s uh let’s find something ridiculous that’s what I need yes elderly well nothing’s more ter they should call this the US US Congressional officer right here what are you going as this Halloween I’m going as a member of Congress right here $124 uh 13-day delivery it’ll be too late anyway that’s you can get anything on there it’s ridiculous I mean you can get on anything on a lot of websites but yeah let me know if you’ve used AliExpress lately let me know what your experience has been like and let me know what you think of some of the graphics cards in this video again don’t forget to take advantage of those two coupon codes all on AE will give you $25 off any order over $100 and also the AE us100 so you can get that GPU for only 375 valid 1111 to 117 only during their singles day sale so make sure you take advantage of that I am probably going to participate in this as well there’s a few things that I need and I’m kind of waiting for 11-11 to come around so I can order some new parts also all the other products that I mentioned I’m going to link those in the description because uh this is a really awesome deal for this and I don’t know how they do it for the free shipping how do they do this and then we also I also have these as you see floating around in the background those are great here’s the gance figure that I have there we go that one so if you’re curious about that and then the lighting kit that I have for my Pirates of Barracuda Bay I got that here as you can see and then you just H up all the lights and it gives it a glow and they do this for a lot of different Lego sets so put in the name of your Lego set and put lighting kit or LED kit and you might find some cool stuff and then here’s those plants that I have in the background just when you get them just unbunch them a little bit 99 C add a little spot of green so you can just check out all these links that I’ve got in the description for the stuff that I’ve purchased over the last couple of months and if you’re also like me and you think people need to like Branch out a little bit and start using some other websites like alexpress make sure you like the video and give it a thumbs up so that the algorithm can do its thing otherwise YouTube will Smite it all right so so I’m going to go back out there and hang out on my couch and play some more Street Fighter 6 on this rx580 cuz I can’t believe how many games that little thing can play for that money anyway bye everybody check the description for everything and uh this thing just been down here like this thing just been down here blinking I should like keep it like this so my face just like flashes yeah it came with a remote for like this is like a couple dollars or less I don’t know ridiculous

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