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I built a Gaming PC using only AliExpress Parts!

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I built a Gaming PC using only AliExpress Parts!

how is it that every single AliExpress PC build I found on YouTube looks horrendous there must be something I’m missing right like these are all experienced Builders yet their PC came out looking like something you would find in a McDonald’s Happy Meal well all of that changes today ladies and gentlemen I’m gonna be building a PC using only all the express parts and the only difference here is that when I’m done with it it’s not going to look like something you would find in a local dumpster for those who still live in their grandmother’s closet AliExpress is a massively popular website that sells pretty much everything from g-strings to PC parts and believe it or not a lot of people buy their PC parts from AliExpress because why pay more when you get the exact same part on AliExpress for cheaper I’ve also decided to do this challenge at the perfect time because currently the AliExpress double 11 Global shopping Festival is going on which means that they’re going to be some extra discounts I can take advantage of up to 90 across the entire site this is going to come in very handy to keep under the 1500 budget [Music] so I did have a budget of fifteen hundred dollars to spend on AliExpress this is before shipping and the goal is to build a really nice looking Micro ATX mid-range system and I feel like amd’s the best route to go uh so for the CPU I did pick up the ryzen 5 5600 this is the non-x version because we’re gonna save about 20 bucks or so and still get pretty much the same performance as you would on the X version and funny story actually this is ten dollars cheaper on AliExpress than it is on um on Amazon I checked we did get a sealed box so I’m pretty confident there is an actual 5600 in here and not some random CPU so we just got to make sure that it works I was gonna say we do have the included cooler but we’re not going to use that we’re going to use an aftermarket one another reason why I went with AMD is because there are way more selection of AMD boards on AliExpress than there are Intel boards believe it or not speaking of the motherboard we’re going with the colorful b550m gaming Frozen I went with this board for several reasons number one uh the price the Aesthetics and all the features it offers uh the MSI b550 mortar was my first choice but that was 15 more and you pretty much got the same features as that board with the colorful so it didn’t make any sense going with the MSI plus I’ve done a build with this board like a couple years back I don’t remember when it was but I’ve used this board before on the b450 platform so I’m very familiar with it and I know how reliable it is plus the supports ryzen third gen out of the box so you don’t even have to flash the BIOS the box did came dented though so I’m a little worried about that so I just hope that none of the components got damaged looks to be in a good condition we even got a seal in the back so that’s how you know it’s not used [Applause] oh yeah that’s a nice board such an underrated board to be honest beautiful beautiful it’s even got four dimmed slots so there’s room for upgrades layered on the line if you decide to add two more sticks so that’s good so far so good guys nothing arrived damaged everything was sealed in its original boxes and I got the correct parts so let’s hope this continues you’re a dirty little motherboard aren’t you you like it when I pin you down huh yeah all right I should stop tossing Parts God damn it up next we got the memory sticks this is called a valkyrie from Asgard I feel like if Thor would build a PC these were the RAM sticks you’d go with interesting naming I’ve never even heard of this brand before so we’re going with a 16 gigabyte kit so two eight gigabyte modules running at 3 600 megahertz I don’t know the seal timing on here unfortunately it’s not even labeled anywhere on the box and I don’t think it was even labeled on the website when I was buying it so one of the lights just went out nice oh [Music] this is legit I’ve never seen memory sticks come with gloves what are you trying to do here Asgard you know what I’ll play along I’ll play along why not [Music] foreign [Music] I wish you guys would have sent bigger gloves but I do love the unboxing experience definitely different oh that’s some nice looking sticks I gotta say they look very similar to the tough Ram from thermaltake but I think these look a lot cleaner oh man this looks so good already it looks better than half the AliExpress PC builds you’d find on YouTube you guys I got a good feeling about this one it’s gonna look really nice enough with the cooler I’m going with the John’s bow HX 6200d this is one of the more expensive parts from AliExpress because I bought it for 50 bucks um I knew I could have got a better cooler or a cheaper cooler from Amazon or Newegg for like 20 or 30 dollars but this is the best one I could find that also fits inside of our case so obviously we’re going with a Micro ATX case so I needed something that was low profile oh yeah this is going to fit nicely I even double checked the clearance numbers so this this is supposed to fit inside the case without any issues and it’s going to keep our CPU nice and cool as well I mean it doesn’t take much to keep the 5600 cool so this was definitely one of the better choices on AliExpress at least they included thermal paste thermal Grizzly oh wow these guys did not cheap out you guys we got a tube of thermal grizzly I definitely did get what I was paying for that’s for sure guys I think we just ran into our first problem the thread on this screw is stripped unfortunately and it’s not threading it all the way um this is a problem because if we can’t get this through then we can’t install the cooler improvise we gotta improvise when I try and force it through it with some pliers we do need this unfortunately otherwise we can’t install the cooler we can install the cooler we have no PC build okay I think this is working we got it guys I mean if you don’t run into any issues while building a PC from AliExpress Parts is it really in all the express PC [Music] foreign [Music] I’ve never had to tighten the air cooler in the back of the motherboard before this is definitely your first oh yeah that’s a clean cooler you guys that is such a clean cooler look at that I almost forgot about storage you guys we’re gonna toss in a Samsung SSD 980. it’s a one terabyte m.2 SSD and that’s basically what we’re going to use to load our operating system and a few games for benchmarking at the end of the video this is actually a really good deal on AliExpress [Music] [Music] bruh [Music] all right so this is the case I’ll be going with I definitely spent some time looking at all the case options on AliExpress there were some interesting case choices on the website but ultimately decided to go with the c26 for several reasons it’s got an interesting look to it this is not the color I ordered why is it in black and white did I get bamboozled five minutes later so all the other sides are white and the inside’s black uh uh that’s fine you know what that’s fine that’s fine because it’ll still work it’s still gonna work out because obviously the entire motherboard tray section here is going to be blocked off by the components the white components so it’s still going to look like a nice white and black uh themed PC so here’s the handle of the case it actually sits on the top here you can mount this practically anywhere you want because there’s a bunch of holes here so you can decide the exact location and then when you’re done building a PC you just carry it like you would normally a suitcase or a lunchbox it is the ultimate portable PC you guys can take this to school to your computer class play CS go with your boys or take it to Camping I don’t know you could pretty much take it wherever you want foreign price they ship over a screwdriver with the case actually not a bad screwdriver I’m not gonna use it though [Music] oh my God you guys this is a super tight fit [Music] okay motherboard is officially secured to the case you know what just for fun let’s see if I can fit in a 40 90. nope he doesn’t even want to get in yeah I know this ain’t it Chief this ain’t it sorry bud all right build you guys this build oh oh it’s looking so good oh it’s looking so good I think this will be my streaming PC actually well we’ll see we’ll see what happens it’s actually shorter than the 4090 Founders Edition interestingly enough but yeah I do want to install the power supply next so I can work on some of the cable management and then we’re gonna pop in the graphics card but we have no fans in here guys we have zero fans I’ll accept the fan for the cooler we have no intake fans which is bad for airflow so I’m gonna see if I can fit in two fans at least one fan on the bottom four and take um so I’ll do that after we install the power supply now in terms of the power supply all the express doesn’t have a nice selection of sfx power supplies there were some shady ones in there which had like no rating so I decided to skip on those and ultimately Go With The Lean Lee SP 750 because everyone knows Liam Lee this is a reliable power supply it’s white it’s going to match the color scheme of the build and it’s fully modular too so I mean it was probably see I think it was like 200 I spent on this but you know what sometimes you gotta you got to pay a little bit more to get that quality oh such a cute power supply we’ve got a freaking tires thing is it’s gonna fit nicely in here oh yeah we’re gonna have plenty of space let’s go [Music] you have to remove so much just to get access to the PSU bracket over here how do I get this thing out of here oh I see okay [Music] so this entire front plate needs to be removed so you can get access to the front screw that’s holding the power supply bracket in place oh my God there’s one more screws in there oh my god dude we gotta remove this one too yeah there it is there we go got the bracket out so let’s go and hook this up to the power supply all right last but not least we’re gonna pop in the graphics card I was only able to fit an RTX 3070 inside the budget I have never heard of yes then but there’s a lot of positive reviews so I’m trusting There’s an actual 30 70 in here worst case scenario we’re getting a GTX 1050 which would suck but you know I I got pretty good feeling about this though it’s got a really nice white and purple theme the purple I’m not too much of a fan unfortunately but it’s the only white themed card I could find on AliExpress oh got some stickers and there it is ladies and gents oh it’s actually a mix between purple and blue okay wait a minute is this even gonna fit oh this is such a nice card so they put like a custom backplate on here and even a custom shroud looks nice yeah it’s not bad I just hope it’s gonna fit um I did check the clearance numbers on both the case and the GPU so I mean it’s supposed to It’s supposed to fit no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s gonna fit you lied to me I’m gonna make this fit I don’t give a damn what it’s gonna take there was plenty of clearance I’ll even show you guys the product page I measured it cooler the cooler is getting in the way yeah I I think I can make it work it’s just the cooler all right let me let me try removing the cooler and then see if I can fit the GP one first I probably should have done a GPU first great the cooler is stuck on the CPU the thermal paste is gluing both of these together this is an absolute nightmare it’s not coming off if I can’t ruin the fan I think that will be that’ll give me enough space [Music] oh it does come off let’s go I’m making this card fit in here I don’t care what it takes [Music] I’m so glad AMD changed their socket for the M5 say one last time dude I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it who’s to blame an absolute joke why is this not fitting I’m losing my freaking mind is this even gonna fit I don’t even know if this is gonna oh oh oh man I don’t care I’m bending this I’m gonna bend it and I will bend it back oh God what have I done what have I done what is this build becoming that’s such a good start oh I made it fit [Music] oh man that was testing my patience you guys I was this close and grabbing this and literally just throwing out the freaking window but I managed to fit the GPU in very tight fit by the way there’s like no wiggle room whatsoever now I want to add some fans I want to get some intake fans in here I did pick up a couple of these uh cool Moon fans from AliExpress as well in white um I want to see if we can add a few intake fans on the bottom it does look like we have just enough clearance on the bottom of the graphics card to slide these in I want to put in one if I can fit in two I’ll put in two but I want to put in at least one so we can get some some airflow in there okay yeah there’s there’s definitely some space oh it’s gonna be tight but we can make it fit we can make it fit boys and girls I’m experienced in tight spaces I just hate how thick they make the damn USB 3 header cables it’s really difficult to like Bend I’m gonna try something different here I’m going to use this USB 3 header cable extension instead these are way more flexible and they’re a lot thinner too so maybe I can plug this in and kind of just tuck it away so it doesn’t get in the way you guys think I could fit in another fan here um but I really want to intake fans in here unfortunately the bottom connections are not letting the fan go down anymore as you can see I’m pushing down on the entire board if I do that so we’ll just stick to one intake fan it’s better than none so the case also comes with some dust filters so I want to add a couple of them on the bottom here then one more up here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yeah look at this you guys it’s almost the size of my toaster the final piece on here I can’t say I like the side panel design I wish this was a on a hinge instead of four thumb screws but can’t really complain I’m in love with this build guys look at the size of this I can’t get over it oh my Lord so freaking light it is so freaking light okay let’s plug this thing in and power it on I hope to God it turns on um after what I did with the GPU I’m having doubts that in my power on but let’s just let’s just hope everything goes according to plan all right here we go will it boots God I’m so nervous oh I see the fans [Music] everything’s spinning it’s a good sign such a clean bill they can’t get over it still nothing oh my God a DisplayPort cable is not plugged in this almost gave you a heart attack there’s still a chance there is still a chance let’s go baby let’s go I did put in my second m.2 Drive in there that has all the games installed so it’s Gonna Save Me so much time in benchmarking all right guys the build is finally done and if I’m being honest it came out looking really good A little better than I anticipated from the beginning I had some doubts with the AliExpress Parts but overall absolutely loving the way it looks we’re going to jump into some giving benchmarks and take a look at temps as well because I’m really curious to see how well the CPU and the GPU will perform considering we only have one intake fan on the bottom so I’m kind of worried about temps but we’ll take a closer look at all of that the total cost of the PC came out to 1389 and 22 cents before the shipping and before the discount code so since I spent well over 165 dollars um I was able to get an extra 25 discount during the global Festival I mean it’s not a crazy huge discount but obviously every little bit helps we did get the cooler basically half off with a discount so the new Total with the discount came out to 1364 and 22 cents I was able to stay under the 1500 budget successfully and I had another hundred dollars to use so I just bought myself a new keyboard the kikron K3 V2 which I’ll be using to test out the PC I also decided not to install the handle up here because I feel like it ruins the whole portable minimalistic aesthetic besides it’s so freaking small and lightweight I don’t even need a handle to carry it all right let’s take a look at some temps before we jump into gaming we’re going to look at idle temps first on the 5600 it is averaging around 56.6 degrees Celsius we do have Peak temps of 71 degrees which is a bit toasty but it does drop back down to around 55-ish so not terrible times considering you only have a single intake fan on the bottom and look how close it is sitting on top of the graphics card it’s a little too uncomfortable for me but I mean idle temps are are whatever the real test is when we’re actually gaming on this thing so looking at the attempts on the graphics card looks like the RTX 3070 is averaging around 53 degrees Celsius with Peak temps of 60.3 so yeah this is a bit High especially when the car is not doing anything I don’t think the fans are even spinning yeah the fans aren’t even spinning and it is peaking at 60 degrees Celsius so I’m actually afraid to game on this thing but uh let’s jump into some gaming and see how loud it gets all right first game we’re going to test out is Warzone this is going to be 1080p in maxed out settings as you can see here everything is pretty much on high fov is maxed out at 102. here we go the temps aren’t looking good I’m gonna be honest with you guys both the CPU and GPU are a bit toasty right now ADC on the CPU 81c on the GPU I think the airflow in this case is pretty terrible which makes sense I mean we only have a single intake fan on the bottom frame wise we’re not doing too bad actually I mean even with the high temps we’re not experiencing any sort of thermal throttling looks like both the CPU and GPU actually dip down quite a bit so CPUs running around 74 degrees GPU at 73 so the temps did cool down a little bit let’s try OverWatch 2 next this is a less demanding game so I don’t expect the temps to be really high graphics wise we are on Ultra and this is 1080p so already the CPU is much cooler [Music] PPU is a bit more toastier we’re getting close to ADC on the 30 70. why is no one healing me frames wise we’re actually doing really well damn we’re hitting above 300 FPS consistently with the 3070 . all right fortnite is up next let’s do a little bit of fortnite why not we’re in 1080P epic settings rendering mode is set to Performance you get the most frames as possible and yeah everything else looks good wow we’re getting some really nice frames three to four hundred in high settings and times I’m looking too bad either around 70c for both the CPU and the GPU and we’re pushing at least 300 frames on fortnite [Music] oh it was a nice shot I’ve never made it this far so one what does one other person no I died to the damn freaking Force wheel I’m such an idiot I didn’t even know what that damn thing did oh well last but not least we’re gonna take a look at valerians we’re going to be playing in 1080P under high settings frames are doing really good four to 500 FPS maxed out settings and temps are looking really good too nice let’s see if you GPU is staying on their 70c I’m getting some really nice frames okay so final thoughts on the build I do love the case design I love the way it looks I love how portable it is but it’s lacking in airflow like seriously it doesn’t even have a cutout in the front which I guess doesn’t really matter because you can’t install fans in the front anyways but if you’re going to be building in this case I strongly recommend going with a mini ITX board instead that will free up additional space underneath the graphics card so you can slide in to 120 millimeter fans unfortunately with the Micro ATX board this spot over here where the Fan’s supposed to go in comes in contact with the bottom headers so the USB 2 USB 3 headers as well as the front panel jfp1 connectors are coming to contact with the fan so I wasn’t able to slide in an extra 120 millimeter fan in this case needs as much cooling as you can throw in there guys as you saw during gaming CPU and GPU got pretty toasty and that’s because there’s nothing really moving the air out of the case we have no exhaust fans so I do recommend adding two additional 80 millimeter fans on the top as well just to help exhaust all the hot air out of the case so if you do add 280 millimeter fans on top an additional 120 in the bottom then you will have neutral air pressure inside the case we got two intake and then you got two exhausts pulling all the hot air out and that will definitely help improve The Thermals a lot even with the high temps the PC wasn’t thermal throttling as you saw during gaming it was running perfectly fine no frame lag whatsoever I mean sure the PC gets pretty loud this is what the PC sounds like by the way on full load I’m gonna bring my mic really close to the PC let’s put keyboard test yeah it’s pretty loud because all the fans are pretty much maxed out but if that doesn’t bother you and the temps don’t bother you then this is a pretty cool case to build in my only gripe with the case was trying to fit in a damn GPU but looking at the manual now apparently there’s a way where you can remove a part of the case to make it easier to install the graphics card and I had no idea you could even do that because the manual is not in English so I didn’t understand any of it but yeah the penalty is an easy way of installing the graphics card yeah guys other than that super happy with the way the build came out I’m gonna rate it an 8 out of 10 because there were some things I could have done differently to improve The Thermals like go with the mini ITX board and add three additional fans but I want to know what your rating is in the comment section let me know what do you guys think about the build and what things you could have done differently to make it look better or perform better as always I’ll drop a link to all the parts are used in the build from AliExpress down below if you guys want to check it out if you are shopping on AliExpress during the double 11 Global shopping Festival make sure to use the discount code on the screen to save you guys some additional money thank you so much for watching as always and I’ll see you very soon in the next one

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